What you see is what you get (wysiwyg) Dream weaver will not work exactly how it is intended for.
Live view,allows you to see how a page looks in dreamweaver's reular editing mode and how it woul dlook rendered in a browers.
back end develepment- is the design people who create the websites. like all the dumb coding and things like that.
GO TO LYNDA.COM if your teacher won't teach you what you want. I can't keep up with typing my notes and paying attention in class this is why I THINK GETTING GRADED FOR NOTES IS A JOKE!
Note: I will never use a blog for anything in my life besides for this class this is a useless thing to make us do.
So What I got out of the video is that Coding is complicated and web standards always change and to test your pages in multiple browsers. GREAT! I learned something I already knew.
URL uniform resource locator
DNS Domain Name Server
IP internet protocol
Building a website mandatories
1. register domain.
2.find host
3.build site
4.upload files to host.
Http hypertext tranfer protocol
For more information on http http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol
FTP file transfer protocol
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol.
RTP real time transfer protocol