Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Like most the teachers say at IADT is if you need help just google it why ask the teacher or be in school.

What you see is what you get (wysiwyg) Dream weaver will not work exactly how it is intended for.

Live view,allows you to see how a page looks in  dreamweaver's reular editing mode and how it woul dlook rendered in a browers.

back end develepment- is the design people who create the websites. like all the dumb coding and things like that.

GO TO LYNDA.COM  if your teacher won't teach you what you want. I can't keep up with typing my notes and paying attention in class this is why I THINK GETTING GRADED FOR NOTES IS A JOKE!

Note: I will never use a blog for anything in my life besides for this class this is a useless thing to make us do.

So What I got out of the video is that Coding is complicated and web standards always change and to test your pages in multiple browsers. GREAT! I learned something I already knew.

URL uniform resource locator
DNS Domain Name Server
IP internet protocol

Building a website mandatories
1. register domain.
2.find host site
4.upload files to host.

Http hypertext tranfer protocol

For more information on http

FTP file transfer protocol
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol.
RTP real time transfer protocol

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